Second Hand Bicycle Valuations in Australia

Valuing a second hand bicycle in Australia was a walk into the unknown!

Previously you had a few commonly and not so commonly used options

The few commonly used options were
1. Ask a friend that you believe is an expert in all things to do with Bikes
2. Go to your local bike shop and ask the shop assistant
These options are often a guessing game, you just can hear it now " yer mate i reckon she must be worth at least a couple of grand?"  Let's face it they are most likely using total guess work.
How often are they researching the market for your exact bike, are they taking into account current trends?
The other less commonly used options were
1.  Bicycle Blue Book, this is an American Valuation guide that utilizes algarisms and transactions reporting. this is a great if you are in America, But we live in Australia and we have a total different market
2. the old % formula, 50% less after a year or two then 10% every year!!!! well i don't need to explain any more than " don't do this"
So what are the most common errors when pricing your second hand bike for sale?
Over pricing - The Bicycle industry is an ever changing machine and bicycle values are not static. A great example is that $2000 bike you bought 3 years ago, still as modern as a $2000 bike today? There is a very good chance that over that time, the geometry has changed, that top of the range 11 speed has been upgraded to 12 speed and that the top of the range alloy wheel set is all carbon now!
Under Valuing - This one really doesn't need explaining, you never want to give away something for nothing.
To understand the value of your bike you must carefully study the marketplace.
Trails View Cycle Trader is here to help, we gather all the important information like the bike's age, frame material, suspension, components, wheel size and upgrades. Then we will value your bike.
 We take all the hard work away from you as we have been tracking sale prices, depreciating trends and customer demands buy using a mountain of data collected daily
So what do you do now? its easy jump onto our website, click value my bike, answer a few questions and we will get back to you within 24 hours



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